Happy Black History month! So traditional soul food has a lot of fat and different types of meat, ham hocks, fried chicken, etc. So, today we're gonna crisp up some tofu and cover it in BBQ sauce, use vegan bacon bits for the greens, make creamy mashed potatoes with vegan butter and sour cream, and roast some beets! Warning: i add butter to everything so if you're a clean eating, alkaline vegan, this is not for you.😆
Here's the menu:
BBQ Tofu
Roasted Beets
Mashed Potatoes
Homemade Biscuits
We're gonna start by cleaning and massaging the greens in oil to soften them and then cooking them up in vegetable broth with garlic powder, paprika, vegan bacon bits, and seasoning salt for those familiar southern flavors. I used about a tablespoon of each seasoning.

My little sister makes the best homemade biscuits using the recipe from The Minimalist Baker: https://minimalistbaker.com/the-best-damn-vegan-biscuits/ She also sprinkled them with some go veggie cheese shreds.

She made those while i prepped two blocks of tofu by pressing it and wrapping them up in paper towel.
I put the beets in a pan and added olive oil, salt, paprika and garlic powder and put them in a 400 degree oven. When they were done, i added a tablespoon Earth Balance butter.

I chopped a bag of golden potatoes and boiled them until they were soft, added them to a bowl and mashed in a few tablespoons of almond milk, around a 1/4 cup of Earth Balance butter, a tablespoon of Tofutti Sour Cream, salt, garlic powder, and chives.

After the tofu is pressed and most of the water is out, i combined those same seasonings (about a tablespoon each) i used for the greens with about a cup of cornstarch and coated the tofu in the mixture. Then fried them in vegetable oil, drained them on a paper bag and coated in BBQ sauce. It's kind of a tedious process but your tofu will come out so crispy and like it's from a restaurant!

Done! Load up your plate, pour a glass of iced tea (got mine from Trader Joe's) and enjoy a cruelty free, vegan soul food dinner!

Video coming soon!
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