When it comes to organizing, I'm great and finding places for everything but i tend to bite off more than i can chew an sometimes end up in the middle of my room sweating, about to cry surrounded by clothes and random stuff i haven't seen for months. To avoid that, i pick specific tasks to get done one at a time so it makes it easier.
I start with the chair. You know, that chair full of clean clothes everyone has. I usually hang up my clothes first, and put away socks and underwear.

See all these empty hangers? There's supposed to be clothes there and instead of hanging up my clean clothes right when they come out of the dryer, i let them sit there.

Next, i organize my ''bookshelf''. Technically it's a crate-shelf but whatever. I bullet journal and make collages so i usually have a bunch of random, cut up magazines. I also have a crate for my shoes.


After that, i organize my drawers next to my desk. I have drawers for: my glasses, camera stuff, stickers, and art papers.

Then i move on to my actual desk, i organize my pen holder, clean out my mini trashcan and wipe it off.

I usually take a little break and then vacuum the whole floor.
And lastly, when the whole room is clean i organize my altar, sage the room and light an incense. I pat myself on the back for doing all of this calmly and in my own time and pace. Then i relax in the peaceful space i just created. ❤️
