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Meet Brandon: My Big & Furry Best Friend

Writer: Kenna RoseKenna Rose

Brandon is the sweetest dog i have ever met. Brandon is old for a dog, I'm pretty sure he's around 14 years old in human years. I never thought me and my family would ever have a dog , when my parents told us, that we were adopting Brandon i couldn't believe it.

They told us ''He's HUGE'' and i didn't know how huge he was until the day they brought him home. He waddled when he walked and he was sniffing for food when he first got to the house. He loved us instantly and we loved him, Zen however, was a different story. I had read an article online that said to introduce a cat and a dog was to put the cat in a room and close the door and let them sniff each other through the door. This failed because she heard him and hid underneath the bed, they eventually learned to tolerate each other. She even sleeps in his bed when he's not in it.

Whoever said animals can't feel guilt or don't know when they've done something wrong couldn't have ever had an old dog because Brandon is a smart, sweet and very sneaky dog. First off: when he sees an opportunity to get extra food, he takes it. At any cost. He loves food almost as much as he loves his family. Whenever he does something he's not supposed to (eat litter, dig in the trash etc.) his ear bends in an awkward way lol. Every time, it never fails. I always know when he's done something wrong because when i say his name, he also puts his head down. Animals are so much smarter than humans think to be honest, we underestimate them.

Badd To The Bone

Brandon has a very soft spot for my younger sisters, he's very protective of them and gets super worried whenever they're not around. He always sleeps near them and goes wherever they go. One time, a very angry dog tried to attack me and him, and he went into complete warrior mode. He stayed in between me and this other dog the whole time, I've only ever seen him angry that one time. He also insists on walking on the side of the sidewalk closest to the road because he wants to protect us from cars (he hates any moving things with wheels, bikes, scooters, even strollers.) He tries protects us from everything.

Brandon's favorite foods are:

  • Watermelon (his favorite fruit)

  • Bananas

  • Strawberries

  • Peas

  • Cabbage

  • Peanut butter treats

  • And anything he can fit in his mouth

He's lost a lot of weight since we've had him, he has lots of energy for an older dog. He still runs, loves to play tug of war and likes walking to the park. He's an old man and a puppy in a big dog body. He gets grumpy if we don't go to bed at a certain time, he likes his bed a specific way and he hates getting his paws wet in the rain and snow. And he runs around the house when it's time to eat, tries to sit in your lap and likes chasing after his treats.

He's very gentle and gets scared easily so his biggest fears are:

  • Bottle corks popping

  • Bubbles

  • Clapping

  • Zen

I love Brandon and he's the best dog i could have ever asked for.




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