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  • Writer's pictureKenna Rose

The Time(s) i Accidentally Ate Non Vegan Food & Why i Don't Feel Bad About It

Being vegan is easy when you regularly make your own food but mistakes happen, nobody's perfect. i've been vegan my whole life but i've accidentally ate chips with milk powder or products got mislabeled and something non vegan got put into a bag with vegan products. It happens.

One of the most traumatizing experiences for me was enjoying store-bought, frozen vegetable dumplings and biting into one that seemed slightly fishy and extra chewy. I cut into another one and IT WAS SHRIMP.

I WAS MORTIFIED and grossed out. I almost threw up but i was ok, i'm just glad it was me and not someone who had an allergy.

The next day they fixed the problem but i definitely didn't eat dumplings for a long time after that. These things happen and i felt bad at the time but i realized it wasn't my fault. Now, i always cut my dumplings in half lol

Another time, i had some fried rice with egg by accident and had stomach aches. When that happens i usually drink tea, algae and aloe juice to cleanse. I also have this weird memory when i was little of one of my aunts giving me a hard boiled egg it stunk but i thought the texture was fun. Now, i love tofu scramble lol.

My point is though that just because you make mistakes doesn't mean you have to give up on being vegan or plant based. You can't always control what ends up on your plate and you shouldn't feel bad about slip ups or accidents. I hear about people who go vegan for months then one day give up and eat a cheeseburger. But, even if you do that you can still try again and keep at it!


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